Latest News: The Draft Gilston Area S106 Legal Agreement was published on 3rd December 2024. Draft schedules are available on the planning application portal for Villages 1-6 (application reference 3/19/1045/OUT) and for Village 7 (application reference 3/19/2124/OUT).
Gilston Planning Application Summary
Outline ("Villages 1 to 6") Planning Application - Reference 3/19/1045/OUT
Please note that the amendments included changes to the description of development as shown in bold text below:
PROPOSAL: Outline planning with all matters reserved apart from external vehicular access for the redevelopment of the site through the demolition of existing buildings and erection of a residential led mixed use development comprising up to 8,500 residential homes including market and affordable homes; retirement homes and extra care facilities; provision for Gypsies and Travellers pitches/Travelling Showpeople plots; a range of community uses including primary and secondary schools, health centres and nursery facilities; retail and related uses; leisure facilities; business and commercial uses; open space and public realm; sustainable urban drainage systems; utility and energy facilities and infrastructure; waste management facilities; vehicular bridge links; car parking; creation of new vehicular and pedestrian accesses into the site, and creation of a new vehicular, pedestrian and cycle network within the site; improvements to the existing highway and local road network; undergrounding and diversion of power lines; lighting; engineering works, infrastructure and associated facilities; together with temporary works or structures required by the development.
AT: Land North of the Stort Valley and the A414, Gilston, Hertfordshire
The above application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement.
Note: An Outline Application does not include all the development details; in this case the following matters have been ‘reserved’ for submission at a later time:
Layout – the way in which the buildings, routes and open spaces within the development are provided, situated and orientated in relation to each other
Access – Accessibility to and within the site for vehicles, cycles and pedestrians in terms of the positioning and treatment of access and circulation routes and how they fit into the surrounding network. The application does however seek approval of the new accesses onto the A414 and Eastwick Road.
Scale – the height, width and length of each building proposed within the development in relation to its surroundings.
Appearance – the aspects of a building or place within the development which determines the visual impression the building or place makes, including the external built form of the development, its architecture, materials, decoration, lighting, colour, texture.
Landscaping – the means of treatment of land for the purposes of enhancing or protecting the amenities of the site and the area in which it is situated.
These ‘reserved matters’ will be required to be approved through subsequent applications. The application does include ‘Parameters’ and other information which are sought for approval meaning any subsequent applications would need to comply with these ‘Parameters’ and other details.
The design of the Gilston Area will also be informed through a Strategic Landscape Masterplan and a series of Village Masterplans which would need to be prepared by the applicants for each of the new villages through a collaborative process of engagement as required by the Council’s masterplanning policy and be approved by the Council.
The Bridge Applications
Two Full planning applications proposing bridge infrastructure were submitted to East Herts Council in May 2019 by the applicants Places for People. The applications were also submitted to Harlow District Council as the application site boundaries (excluding Fiddlers Brook Bridge which is in East Herts District only) fall within both Districts.
East Herts and Harlow Councils determined the Central Stort Crossing and Eastern Stort Crossing applications at their respective Development Management Committees held on 22 and 23 February 2022 respectively.
The Listed Building Consent application was approved by the East Herts Development Management Committee on 2 March 2022.
Both Councils issued the Decision Notices and granted planning permission on 18 March 2022. The Councils have also prepared an EIA Statement [202KB pdf] by the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2017 (as amended).
Full Planning Application Reference 3/19/1046/FUL (East Herts Council) or Reference HW/CRB/19/00220 (Harlow Council) - permission granted 18 March 2022
PROPOSAL: Alterations to the existing Fifth Avenue road/rail bridge, and creation of new bridges to support the widened highway to west of the existing structure to create the Central Stort Crossing, including embankment works, pedestrian and cycle facilities, a pedestrian and cycle bridge over Eastwick Road, lighting and landscaping works and other associated works.
AT: Land Adjacent to Fifth Avenue Existing Eastwick Crossing, Hertfordshire/Harlow.
Full Planning Application Reference 3/19/1051/FUL & 3/19/1049/LBC (East Herts Council) or Reference HW/CRB/19/00221 (Harlow Council) - permission granted 18 March 2022
Please note the description of development for the following application has been amended as shown in bold text below and is accompanied by a Listed Building Consent application:
PROPOSAL: Erection of a new road, pedestrian and cycle bridge; replacement of an existing rail bridge at River Way; alterations to the existing local highway network; lighting and landscaping works; listed building works to Fiddlers Brook Bridge; and other associated works.
AT: Land to the South and East of Gilston Village and North of River Stort, Gilston, Hertfordshire/Harlow.
The above applications are accompanied by an Environmental Statement.
Outline ("Villages 7") Planning Application - Reference 3/19/2124/OUT
Please note that the amendments included changes to the description of development as shown in bold text below:
PROPOSAL: Outline planning application for development including demolition of existing structures, refurbishment and change of use of existing Grade II Listed Brickhouse Farm Barn and structures and erection of a residential led mixed use development comprising: up to 1,500 residential market and affordable homes; a mixed use local village centre; retail, business, commercial and community uses; primary school, early years and nursery facilities; leisure and sports facilities including a football hub; provision for 8 no. pitches for Gypsies & Travellers; open spaces, ecological areas, woodlands and public realm; pedestrian, cycle and vehicular accesses and network within the site; associated drainage, utilities, energy and waste facilities and infrastructure; works to and realignment of the existing highway; other supporting works, facilities and infrastructure; together with associated temporary enabling works or structures. With all matters reserved apart from detailed works to the A414 Church Lane junction (phased development).
AT: Land off Church Lane, North of the A414, Hunsdon and Eastwick, Hertfordshire
The application accompanied by an Environmental Statement.
Note: An Outline Application does not include all the development details; in this case the following matters have been ‘reserved’ for submission at a later time:
Layout – the way in which the buildings, routes and open spaces within the development are provided, situated and orientated in relation to each other
Access – Accessibility to and within the site for vehicles, cycles and pedestrians in terms of the positioning and treatment of access and circulation routes and how they fit into the surrounding network (with the exception of the new access from Church Lane onto the A414 which is submitted in detail).
Scale – the height, width and length of each building proposed within the development in relation to its surroundings.
Appearance – the aspects of a building or place within the development which determines the visual impression the building or place makes, including the external built form of the development, its architecture, materials, decoration, lighting, colour, texture.
Landscaping – the means of treatment of land for the purposes of enhancing or protecting the amenities of the site and the area in which it is situated.
These ‘reserved matters’ will be required to be approved through subsequent applications. The application does include ‘Parameters’ and other information which are sought for approval meaning any subsequent applications would need to comply with these ‘Parameters’ and other details.
The design of the Gilston Area will also be informed through a Strategic Landscape Masterplan and a series of Village Masterplans which would need to be prepared by the applicants for each of the new villages through a collaborative process of engagement as required by the Council’s masterplanning policy and be approved by the Council.
Determining the applications
The Councils are required to determine planning applications in accordance with the development plan including the East Herts District Plan for the two outline applications, and both the East Herts District Plan and the Harlow Local Development Plan for the two Bridges applications, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Councils will not be able to consider whether the Gilston Area should be allocated for development as this has already been established through the examination and adoption of the East Herts District Plan, but it will assess whether the proposals submitted are considered to be in accordance with relevant planning policy and any other material considerations including matters raised through the consultation.
Everyone who responded to the consultation will be notified directly about when a decision will be taken on the applications.