Latest News: Planning permission was granted for the Outline Applications for Villages 1-6 (reference 3/19/1045/OUT) and Village 7 (reference 3/19/2124/OUT) on 9th January 2025.
The two developers have launched a new website: which will record information such as planned construction works and provide a means for the community to report any estates management issues.
Gilston Planning Application Summary
All documents associated with the applications such as the s106 legal agreement and decision notice (which contains the planning conditions) can be found on the East Herts Planning Portal link on the right side or bottom of this page and enter the relevant East Herts Council reference numbers above.
Current and planned construction activities
Construction related works are underway on the Central Stort Crossing scheme (reference 3/19/1046/FUL) with works on the Eastern Stort Crossing (reference 3/19/1051/FUL) to follow later in 2025.
Improvement works will commence on the Fiddlers’ Brook Footbridge in mid-March 2025 (reference 3/19/1049/LBC).
Following a series of community engagement events on the emerging Strategic Landscape and Village Masterplans the developers are finalising the masterplans with the intention to submit these to the council in Spring 2025 to meet the terms of planning conditions on the outline permissions. The Village 7 Masterplan was submitted in late February 2025.
Next steps
The developers have established a website to provide a means of sharing concerns relating to construction activities and for the developers to advise about planned construction-related works.
The developers have started the process of discharging the planning conditions and preparing the first Reserved Matters applications relating to the delivery of first infrastructure schemes.