Housing Health & Safety Rating System

The property you rent must meet the required standard for tenants with regard to health, safety and welfare. Housing conditions are assessed under the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS).

The principle behind the rating system is that a dwelling, including the structure and associated outbuildings and garden, yard, and/or other amenity space, should provide a safe and healthy environment for the occupants and any visitors.

To find out more about these Health and Safety and Welfare standards visit the Gov.uk website.

Hazards and how they are evaluated

There are 29 types of hazard, which include:

  • damp and mould, excess cold/heat
  • pollutants i.e., asbestos, biocides, carbon monoxide, lead, radiation etc.
  • overcrowding, lack of space, entry by intruders, lighting and noise
  • poor hygiene i.e., pests, food safety, drainage, water supply etc.
  • accidents i.e., falls, electric shocks, burns, fires etc.
  • collisions, entrapment, explosions, structural collapse etc.

Each hazard is assessed, based on the likelihood and probable severity of an event that could cause harm. The outcome of the assessment highlights whether there are any serious hazards (Category 1) or any less serious hazards (Category 2) within the property.

The HHSRS assessment is based on the risk to the potential occupant who is most vulnerable to that hazard. For example, the very young as well as the elderly are susceptible to low temperatures. A dwelling that is safe for those most vulnerable to a hazard is safe for all.