East Herts Council don't deal with asbestos directly, there are different contacts depending on the type and size of the asbestos you are dealing with. See the below drop downs for the relevant contact information.
You might like to note that while the presence asbestos often raises concerns amongst members of the public, it is generally accepted that if asbestos materials are in good condition, and in a place where they are unlikely to be disturbed, then they should not cause any harm, it is only when the materials are damaged or disturbed, so that fibres are released, that asbestos can become a danger. You can find more information about asbestos for members of the public on the Health & Safety Executive website. where you will also find links for ‘What is the law concerning asbestos in domestic properties?’, ‘I have just bought a property. Could it contain asbestos?’ and ‘I think I may have asbestos in my home. What should I do?’.