We have an alternate refuse and recycling collection service. This means your refuse bin is collected fortnightly on your waste week with your recycling and garden waste bin being emptied on the alternate week.
You can check your collection day using our online look up tool.
Please note:
- Only items that cannot be composted or recycled should go into your refuse bin or sacks.
- Only waste contained within the wheeled bins will be collected.
- We provide each household in the district with one refuse bin and one recycling bin.
- For residents who have difficult access or no front or rear garden we operate a sack collection service. In these circumstances we also provide a green paper box and a recycling box which will be collected fortnightly on your recycling week. More boxes are available on request.
- We offer a boundary collection service; this means your bin must be presented with the lid closed at the boundary of your property by 7am.
- The boundary of your property is where the front of your property / garden meets the public highway (pavement or road).
- Operatives will not step onto your property.
- If you are not physically able to place your bins on the boundary you may qualify for an Assisted Bin Collection.
- If you have a bin that is damaged or you have a bin missing please, Request a replacement bin for your property.
If any of your bins contain items which are not acceptable it will NOT be emptied as this is considered contamination. You must remove the contamination and the crew will collect it on your next scheduled collection date. We will not return for contaminated bins.