Community Safety Issues
Scams come in many forms: emails, on social media, by post, by phone, by text or in person at your door. They all make false promises to con you out of your money.
It might be a scam if:
- It seems too good to be true
- You suspect you’re not dealing with a real company, organisation or a genuine person
- You’ve been pressurized to transfer money quickly
- You’ve been asked to pay in an unusual way, for instance by a transfer service or by vouchers
- You’ve been asked to give away personal information such as passwords, PINs or other verification codes.
It’s OK to say no. Speak to a friend of family member for advice before agreeing to anything you’re not sure about. Take a moment to step back and double-check before saying yes. Have a look at our downloadable leaflet for more information on protecting yourself from scams and frauds.
And if you suspect a scam, check out Hertfordshire County Council's website for further advice on signs to look out for and how to report your concerns.
Rogue traders
A rogue trader can contact you in many ways. They might cold-call or post a leaflet through the door or respond to a job posted on a trader matching website. They might even reach you through a ‘trusted trader’ website if the full checks haven’t been done properly.
Key warning signs to look out for are:
- A small job turns into a bigger one, for example, a quote for replacing some loose tiles turns into a whole roofing job.
- There is a lack of paperwork before the work starts. You should have full details such as the trader’s name, address and contact details; a full description of works and materials to be used; the cost including whether VAT is included; and cancellation rights.
- An expensive quote is quickly reduced on condition the work is carried out straight away.
- The trader claims that the job is urgent and puts pressure on you to agree.
Protecting yourself against rogue traders
- Never buy goods or services at the door.
- Remember that you can always say no and get another trader to confirm if the work is actually needed and what a reasonable price would be.
- To find a good trader, use personal recommendations but ensure they are from people you know, not just from a neighbourhood group. Alternatively, Hertfordshire Trading Standards have partnered with Which? Trusted Traders. Traders with a 'Hertfordshire Trading Standards approved' logo have been assessed by trading standards professionals and DBS checked.
For more advice about rogue traders, or to ask for help from Trading Standards, call the Citizens Advice Consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133. However, if the trader is aggressive or starts work without your agreement, call the police on 999.
If you have been a victim of a scam
- Talk to your bank or card company immediately if you’ve handed over any financial and sensitive information or made a payment
- You can report a scam and get advice from Citizen’s Advice.
- Report text scams to your mobile phone provider by forwarding it free to 7726.
- Report the scam to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.
Useful organisations
- An initiative set up by National Trading Standards, Friends Against Scams aims to protect and prevent people from becoming the victim of a scam. Their website is packed with advice on what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones.
- OWL (Online Watch Link) is used by Hertfordshire Constabulary and local coordinators to help keep communities safe, reduce crime and keep people informed of what’s going on locally. You can sign up for regular emails regarding crime and fraud in your area.
What is Anti-social Behaviour (ASB)?
ASB is defined as 'behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person'.
ASB is not one type of behaviour and is instead a wide range of behaviours that can cause a nuisance or annoyance to others. The following are some examples of ASB:
- Shouting, swearing and fighting
- Neighbour disputes
- Noise related nuisance
- Abusive behaviour with the intent to cause distress
- Animal related nuisance such as dog fouling or dogs not under control
- Flytipping of rubbish
- Harassment and intimidation
- Damage and vandalism
- Driving in a way to cause a nuisance
The above list is not exhaustive and depending on the circumstances may also be criminal behaviour depending on the available evidence.
What is not considered ASB?
Differences in lifestyles, opinions and personalities do not constitute ASB. The following behaviours are also not typically considered ASB (unless there is an aggravating factor):
- Parking (including badly parked vehicles)
- Children playing
- Neighbours doing DIY (at reasonable times of the day)
- Groups of people in the street or in parks, unless they are being rowdy, abusive, causing damage or committing other crimes
- Noise caused by everyday living
- Religious or cultural practice
- A one-off party
- General living noise
What to do if you are experiencing ASB
When living in close proximity to our neighbours, sometimes certain things that might irritate us are not considered as antisocial. Where it is safe to do so, you should first try to approach the other party involved to explain how their actions are affecting you and asking them to change their behaviour. Other people may not be aware that their behaviour is causing distress or nuisance and by letting them know may help.
If you feel threatened, intimidated, or witness a crime, you should always contact the police first by calling 999. Telephone 101 for non-emergencies.
Keeping a record.
When you report ASB, you will be asked for details of the incident(s), when and how often it occurs and how it affects you. By keeping a record helps us deal with your concerns. If you would like to receive diary sheets to record incidents, please email
How to report to ASB
If you are a tenant or a leaseholder of a property and haven’t been able to resolve the situation yourself, you should contact your landlord for help and advice. Your housing provider is likely to have an ASB Policy that you can refer to. A list of Housing Association contact numbers are available on our website here: housing-association-contact-numbers
To report ASB to East Herts Council Community Safety please complete our ASB Reporting Form, available on our website here: ASB Reporting Form, email or telephone 01279 655261.
The information you provide is treated as confidential and whilst the form can be completed anonymously by not including your contact details we are unable to update you on any action taken.
Although you may make reports of ASB anonymously, sometimes this can limit the actions we can take. Please be reassured your personal information will not be given to a third party without your consent. This includes information that we give to the person causing ASB.
What is an ASB Case Review?
Introduced into legislation by the ASB Crime and Policing Act 2014, the ASB Case Review provides victims with a voice. Its intended function is to act as a safety net to ensure that all partnership agencies work together to determine the most appropriate solution. It is used where an individual has reported incidents of ASB, and the problem is still ongoing.
The East Herts ASB Case Review is independently chaired by an experienced case worker who has not had any involvement in the case.
What happens at an ASB Case Review?
The ASB Case Review brings together all agencies* involved in your ASB case to discuss the incidents reported, actions taken thus far and gives consideration as to additional actions. (*For example local authority, police, housing providers, Beacon Victim Care and any other agency working on your case). The ASB Case Review is not to find blame and should not replace existing complaints procedures about the conduct or response of a specific officer or agency,
We encourage the victim(s) to attend the initial part of the ASB Case Review to provide an impact statement. The impact statement will help panel members understand the harm and impact the ASB has caused. There is however no requirement for the victim(s) to attend.
After the impact statement has been read and any questions/queries have been answered, you will be asked to leave and the review will commence. Should you prefer, you may wish to have an advocate accompany you.
Who can request an ASB Case Review?
Any resident within East Herts can request an ASB Case Review. Residents outside of East Hertfordshire should contact their local authority.
To be eligible for an ASB Case Review you will need to have met the following threshold:
- have reported three incidents of ASB in the last six months. These reports could have been made to your housing provider and/or local authority and/or police
- each of the incidents need to have been reported within one month of them taking place and you must apply for case review within six months of the latest incident.
What happens once I have submitted a request for an ASB Case Review?
Once a request for an ASB Case Review has been received by the Community Safety team it will be reviewed to ensure it meets the threshold (as set out above). Correspondence will also be sent to the agencies involved in the ASB case.
The person who has requested the review will be contacted advising whether the threshold has been met.
If the threshold is met:
- agencies involved in the ASB case will be written to requesting they collate all information associated with the reported incidents
- EHC Community Safety will seek an independent case worker/professional to chair the ASB Case Review.
- EHC Community Safety Team will work with all parties to arrange a date and time for the meeting as soon as practicably possible. The meeting is held in person where possible however video conferencing is also available.
- EHC Community Safety endeavours to keep the victim informed throughout this process.
- we recommend that the ASB victim is supported by Beacon Victim Care who are available to provide support. If you are yet to be supported by Beacon and would like to be referred please contact
If the threshold is not met:
Information will be provided as to why the threshold has not been met and relevant advice and information provided. Examples of why the threshold may not be met:
- The incidents are outside of the six-month time frame
- One or more of the incidents provided is still under investigation or there has been insufficient time for agencies to investigate
- The details provided suggest a complaint about a specific agency or officer is more appropriate
- There are no records to substantiate that the reports have been made.
What can I expect at the ASB Case Review?
We recommend the victim(s) attends the initial part of the ASB Case Review to provide an impact statement. The impact statement will help panel members understand the harm and impact the ASB is causing.
It is important to note that due to data protection laws, only professionals/case workers will be in attendance during the review.
Once the impact statement has been read, the Chair will ask any questions they have, and the victim will be requested to leave and accompanied out of the meeting room.
The ASB Case Review will be conducted by the independent chair who will have had the opportunity to review the reports made and associated actions by each of the agencies prior to the review meeting.
The independent Chair oversees the meeting and makes recommendations on what action(s) are now needed.
Following the ASB Case Review the victim will be written to with the agreed recommendations and providing a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for the victim moving forward. Due to Data Protection, it may be that some specific information may not be shared if a recommendation is in relation to a third party.
How to request an ASB Case Review:
Complete the online form
Tel: 01279 655261
Please see: ASB Case Review Policy and Procedure
East Herts ASB case reviews
Year | Number of submissions received | Number accepted as threshold met |
2020 | 2 | 0 |
2021 | 0 | 0 |
2022 | 7 | 1 |
2023 | 8 | 4 |
2024 | 9 | 2 |
2025 (to date) | 4 | 0 |
What is a hate crime?
A hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim, or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person's actual or perceived;
- race,
- religion,
- sexual orientation,
- transgender identity, or
- disability.
Examples of hate crimes can include;
- physical abuse or violence,
- verbal abuse or threats,
- sexual abuse,
- offensive calls or texts,
- written/printed abuse (including offensive mail or email),
- indirect attacks,
- harassment, exclusion or isolation,
- damage to property, and
- online abuse.
What is a hate incident?
A hate incident is recorded when someone is discriminated against because of any of the above listed characteristics, but a criminal offence has not been committed. The police also monitor hate incidents.
Hate incidents could include: Not allowing someone to enter a club because of their ethnicity, laughing at homophobic jokes, or refusing to let someone with a disability sit next to you. Just because a crime has not been committed does not mean the behaviour is acceptable, and the police still record and investigate hate incidents. In many cases hate incidents can turn into hate crime. For example, bullying can become the criminal offence of harassment.
East Herts Council is now registered as a Third-Party Reporting Centre for Hate Crime
Research consistently shows that hate crimes and incidents are more under-reported than other crime. Many people, for a variety of reasons, are reluctant to report crime directly to the police and Third-party reporting is a way to overcome this.
East Herts Council has agreed to make reports to the police on behalf of victims who do not want to go directly to the police. We will provide a supportive, positive and confidential environment for hate crime victims to make a report. You can remain anonymous if you wish, and you don’t need to have contact with the police if you don’t want to.
For further information, please email or or call Ric Maraia on 07936 953178 to register your hate crime report.
Other resources
Modern slavery is a growing problem globally and can take many forms, including the coercion, exploitation, deception and/or trafficking of people for labour, sex, criminality, organ removal, marriage and servitude.
Although slavery is illegal in every country, it still happens all over the world, including in Hertfordshire. It can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender and ethnicity.
Spotting the Signs
The signs of modern slavery and exploitation are often hidden, making it difficult to recognise potential victims.
However, the most common signs are:
- Restricted freedom of movement and/or isolation.
- No identification documents and/or these documents being held by someone else.
- Poor working and/or living conditions.
- Unusual travel times to and from work and/or unidentified locations.
- Fear and/or reluctance to seek help.
- Lack of knowledge and/or dependency on others.
- Poor physical appearance (signs of abuse, unexplained injuries and/or malnourishment).
- Few personal possessions and/or clothes.
Signs specific to children could also include:
- An unknown adult caring for a child i.e. an absent parent or legal guardian.
- Several unrelated children found at a single address.
- Frequently moving or travelling to/from different locations.
- Poor school attendance and withdrawal from activities, family, friends etc.
- Tiredness and/or aggression.
- Travelling unaccompanied by an adult and/or in groups with persons who are not relatives.
- Use of inappropriate and/or over-sexualised language.
- Association with known or suspected gang members.
More information to support you in spotting the signs can be found on the Stop Exploitation website which includes advice for different industries, including signs for specific industries.
Reporting Modern Slavery or Exploitation
- In an emergency, call 999.
- In a non-emergency, call 101 (request for the modern slavery unit).
- If you have a suspicion or concern, but are unsure whether to act on it, call the 24/7 charity-run Modern Slavery Helpline anonymously on 08000 121 700 or report online. With access to interpreters in 200 languages, expert advisers can provide free and confidential advice and support.
Exploiters and traffickers are dangerous criminals, therefore it is vital that members of the public do not attempt to act on suspicions themselves, as they may put themselves or the victims at risk.
Hertfordshire’s Response
The Hertfordshire Modern Slavery Partnership brings together more than sixty agencies and charities from across the county to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. It is made up of representatives from Hertfordshire County Council, the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office for Hertfordshire, Shiva Foundation, Hertfordshire Constabulary, district and borough councils, clinical commissioning groups and NHS Trusts, charities, government agencies and more. In December 2018, the Partnership was scrutinised by Hertfordshire County Council as part of a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Topic Group. The full report can be found here. The following resources have been developed by the Partnership for public use:
- A5 (2-sided) Information Leaflet to educate the general public on spotting the signs of exploitation/modern slavery and reporting concerns.
- A5 (2-sided) Information Leaflet to educate taxi drivers on spotting the signs of exploitation/modern slavery and reporting concerns.
- A4 (2-sided) Information Flyer for potential and identified victims to support identification of exploitation by professionals, charities, businesses and victims.
Additional Partnership resources and training materials can also be found on the Hertfordshire Modern Slavery Partnership website
Acts of terrorism and radicalisation destroy communities and lives, causing deaths and injuries to many and leaving communities living in fear and sometimes divided by hatred and confusion.
Radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies.
This powerful video (Prevent: An Introduction) illustrates the impact radicalisation can have on families when someone they love is radicalised.
Prevent is about keeping people and communities safe from the threat of terrorism.
Prevent is one of the four elements of Counter-terrorism strategy (CONTEST) 2018, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. It aims to reduce the risk from terrorism, to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism, so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence.
The three other elements of CONTEST are:
- Pursue (to stop terrorists attacks),
- Protect (to strengthen our protection against terrorists attacks) and
- Prepare (when an attack occurs to mitigate its impact).
Prevent objectives are to:
- Tackle the causes of radicalisation and respond to the ideological challenges of terrorism
- Safeguard and support those most at risk of radicalisation through early intervention, identifying them and offering support
- Enable those who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate
The Prevent strategy challenges extremism by:
- Supporting people who are at risk of being drawn into terrorist or extremist activity.
- Working with and supporting community groups and social enterprise projects that provide support to vulnerable people.
- Working with faith groups and institutions to assist them in providing support and guidance to people who may be vulnerable.
- Supporting local schools, local industry and partner agencies through engagement, advice and training.
Report your concerns
If you are concerned about someone’s activities or behaviour, you can call the Anti-Terrorism Hotline on 0800 789 321 (it is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week). If you have seen a person acting suspiciously, or if you see a vehicle, unattended package or bag which might be a threat, immediately move away and call 999.
You can report illegal or harmful information, pictures or videos you’ve found on the internet anonymously on the Report online material promoting terrorism or extremism page on the GOV.UK website. If you are concerned about someone becoming radicalised in your community please contact the local police by dialling 101 and ask for the PREVENT team.
ACT Early
Friends and family are often best placed to spot the signs of radicalisation.
ACT Early is an initiative designed to provide practical help and information about preventing terrorism. The website encourages families and friends to report concerns that a loved one may be vulnerable to radicalisation and provides information on spotting the signs of potential radicalisation.
If you are worried that someone you know is being radicalised, please call the national police Prevent advice line on 0800 011 3764.
ACT early and share your concerns confidentially. You won’t be wasting time and you won’t ruin lives, but you might save them.
Free ACT Awareness E-Learning
An award-winning counter terrorism (CT) online training course is now available to the public. Please consider signing up to become a 'CT Citizen' to help protect the UK. The ACT Awareness E-Learning has been devised by counter terrorism officers and security experts to enable you to learn how to spot the signs of suspicious behaviour and understand what to do in the event of a major incident.
As the pandemic restrictions ease and more people returning to towns and cities, it is even more vital to return to being vigilant when you are out and about. The course consists of seven interactive modules that each take a few minutes to complete. You can pause and re-join at any time. In total, it takes just 45 minutes to complete.
Register for the ACT Awareness E-Learning course
Useful links
The following websites also provide further information and advice about counter terrorism and radicalisation.
- Let's Talk About It provides practical help and guidance to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.
- (Action Counters Terrorism) ACT is the Counter Terrorism Policing website where you can report suspicious activity.
- Educate Against Hate includes material for primary and secondary aged children.
To report vandalism or graffiti please complete our online form.
Safeguarding is everybody's business we all have a part to play in preventing, identifying and reporting neglect and abuse of children and vulnerable adults.
We have put measures in place and work with other agencies/organisations to protect those that cannot protect themselves.
Key Contacts
If a child or young person is in immediate danger, left alone or missing and/or a vulnerable adult is at immediate risk, you should contact the emergency services immediately on 999.
Members of the public can raise their concerns with their point of contact at East Herts District Council on 01279 655261 and ask for Jonathan Geall or directly with Hertfordshire County Council.
You can also make a report online:
- Report concerns about a child on the Hertfordshire County Council website
- Report concerns about an adult on the Hertfordshire County Council website
Child Sexual Exploitation
If you feel a child is being abused
- Call the Police: 101 (non emergency) or 999 (for emergency use only)
- Children's Services (including out of hours): 0300 123 4043
- Family Lives offer a 24/7 free phone number: 0808 800 2222. Gingerbread can offer advice to lone parents on free phone 0800 802 0925 between 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.
If you think you've been sexually exploited
- Call the Police: 101 (non emergency) or 999 (for emergency use only), or Children's Services: 0300 123 4043
- Call Crimestoppers anonymously 24/7 on: 0800 555 11.
- ChildLine is a free, confidential helpline for all young people: 0800 1111. You can ring the NSPCC helpline on: 0808 800 5000.
Mental Capacity
The council recognises that the Mental Capacity Act 2005 provides a framework to empower and protect people who may lack capacity to make some decisions for themselves, or who have capacity and want to make preparations for a time when they may lack capacity in the future.
Someone who lacks capacity due to an illness or disability (such as a mental health problem, dementia or a learning disability) may have one or more of the following issues:
- cannot understand information given to them to make a particular decision
- cannot retain that information long enough to be able to make the decision
- cannot use or weigh up the information to make the decision
- have difficulty in communicating their decision.
East Herts safeguarding leads will work with the appropriate partners to take the mental capacity act provisions into account when responding to reported abuse in their district. Any concerns regarding mental capacity are raised with either the Head of Housing and Health or the Service Manager – Community Wellbeing and Partnerships as safeguarding leads.
Cuckooing is when criminals take over someone's home and use it for illegal activities.
To find out more and seek support please visit the Hertfordshire County Council website.