Single Person Discount Review 2024

Our annual Single Person Discount Review is currently being conducted on our behalf by a company called NEC. 

NEC will be issuing letters direct to households in receipt of single person discount and require a response to confirm a continued entitlement to single person discount or advise of any change in your household circumstances. 

You must respond to NEC directly as per the instructions on their letter and going to the link they advise. Any confirmation to East Herts District Council will not complete your review and you may receive a reminder letter and be recorded as a non-responder.

You can respond online at the following link and will need your unique code on the review letter.

If you have enquiries over how to respond or need assistance in responding, you can contact NEC Single Person Discount Review for East Herts District Council on 01279 290098 Open 9am-5pm Mon-Fri