Displaying results 181 - 190 of 231
Eric Buckmaster sitting on the new hand carved Longhorn cow in Pishiobury Park
Pishiobury Park received a special delivery yesterday when a new hand carved wooden sculpture, of a Longhorn cow, was put into position in the picnic area ready for young children to climb and explore in natural play.
Pictured: Eric Buckmaster at the construction site with JCB behind him during the demolition
The re-development and modernisation of Hartham Leisure Centre enters its main phase of construction this week as the front of the old building is demolished, enabling construction of the extension to begin; making way for the additional studio space, state of the art gym, new soft play facility and terrace style café that will open out onto Hartham Common.
Pictured (left to right): Rebecca Butcher, Marketing & Digital Content Lead for Hertford Theatre; Eric Buckmaster, Executive Member for Wellbeing at East Herts Council and David Morford, Director at GPF Lewis outside Hertford Theatre
Hertford Theatre’s £24million Growth And Legacy Development, to transform the theatre into a thriving hub for arts and culture, reaches a significant milestone today as East Herts Council announces that the contract has been granted to award winning national contractor, and Hertfordshire based, GPF Lewis.    
collage of East Herts staff and leaders crossing their arms to promote the theme #BreaktheBias
- council staff and leaders cross arms in solidarity
- professional bid writing support for female sport grants
- free online events supporting women in business
Artists impression showing new crossing over the River Stort
Applications for enhancements to the Central Stort Crossing and a new Eastern Stort Crossing were approved by the Development Management Committees of East Herts and Harlow District Councils this week. 