Mobile homes sites – fit and proper persons

All licensed residential mobile homes sites are required to be operated by someone who has passed a suitable ‘fit and proper persons’ check.   This requirement is to protect tenants from illegal behaviours including harassment and financial exploitation. 
The fit and proper person assessment applies to mobile home site owners, or the person appointed to manage the site, unless they are eligible for an exemption under regulations because they are a non-commercial family-occupied site.

What is considered when undertaking a fit and proper persons assessment?

  1. Is the individual able to conduct effective management of the site?  This includes:
    1.  Whether the person is competent to manage the site 
    2. The management structure for the site 
    3. Location of the manager 
    4. The funding arrangements in place for managing the site 
  2.   Personal information relating to the applicant concerned
  3.  Conduct of the applicant 
  4. Conduct of any person associated with the relevant person 
  5. Other relevant matters

Further details on the assessment can be found in our policy

Public Register 

The Regulations require the council to set up and maintain a register of persons who have passed the ‘fit and proper persons’ checks and are able to manage a site in their area. This register must be open to inspection by the public during normal office hours and to allow maximum access it is proposed that it will also be available via our website. Our public register will appear below in due course.


The council will not consider an application for entry on the register unless that application is accompanied by the correct fee. The fee for 2024/25 is set at £180. If the correct fee is not paid, the application will not be valid and the site owner could be in breach of the Regulations.  
The fee covers the cost to the council to undertake the fit and proper persons assessment, therefore:

  • If the council decides not to approve an application the applicant is not entitled to a refund of the fee paid. 
  • If the applicant decides to withdraw their application after work has started to process the application, the applicant is not entitled to a refund of the fee paid.

How to apply

To apply, download the application form. Send the completed the form, together with your DBS check, fee and any supporting documentation to Environmental Health, East Herts Council, Wallfields, Pegs Lane, Hertford, Herts, SG13 8EQ.