Scrap Metal Licenses
Site Licence
A site licence allows the licensee to operate at any site that is specified in the licence that lies in the local authority's area (including making collections and deliveries). A copy of the licence must be displayed in a prominent place in an area accessible to the public.
You will need to complete the online application form, pay the prescribed fee and submit together with supporting documents (Basic Disclosure required for all directors, partners, managers etc). A site inspection will be required by Council Officers in association with the Police. If a valid application is received, the authority will aim to produce your licence within 28 days. If an application requires further consideration and is required to go before a licensing committee, the authority will aim to get these applications heard at the next available hearing (normally within 1 calendar month) when you will be required to attend the hearing to support your application.
Collector's Licence
A collector's licence authorises the licensee to operate as a mobile collector, but only in the licensing local authority's area. If a mobile collector wishes to collect in an area covered by more than one local authority he must hold a licence from each authority. A copy of the collector's licence must be displayed on any vehicle that is being used in the course of the dealer's business.
You will need to complete the online application form, pay the prescribed fee and submit together with supporting documents (Basic Disclosure required) If a valid application is received, the authority will aim to produce your licence within 14 days. If an application requires further consideration and is required to go before a licensing committee; the authority will aim to get these applications heard at the next available hearing (normally within 1 calendar month) when you will be required to attend the hearing to support your application.
IF I collect metal as part of my trade do I need a Licence? No - if you are a builder, plumber, electrician or similar and you collect metal from this type of activity purely as an ancillary to your trade you do not need a licence.
For further guidance please read
.Basic Disclosure Documents detailing an applicant's criminal record history can be obtained from the Disclosure & Barring Service