
Neighbourhood Plan Details
Date of Designation RequestBody Submitting RequestDesignation AgreedPre-Submission Consultation (Reg 14)Submission to East Herts (Reg 15)6 week Consultation (Reg 16)ExaminationReferendumAdoption
26 February 2015Braughing Parish Council8 June 2015January - March 2017September 20175th October 2017 - 16th November 2017March/ April 2018Thursday 26th July 2018September 2018



Braughing Neighbourhood Plan was adopted by the Council on 11 September 2018.

Referendum Result

On 26th July 2018, the Neighbourhood Plan for Braughing Parish Referendum took place. The Neighbourhood Plan has been voted on and approved by the residents of the Parish. With a turn out of 38.81%, there was an overall 'yes' vote of 327 (81.95%) votes against 72 (18.05%).

All eligible residents living in the parish were entitled to vote in response to the question:

Do you want East Hertfordshire District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Braughing Parish to help decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

Ann Skippers MRTPI has been appointed to undertake the independent examination of the Braughing Parish Neighbourhood Plan. All correspondence between the examiner and East Herts District Council will be published below. Independent Examination

The Braughing Parish Neighbourhood Plan Examination has now concluded. The Final Examination Report can be viewed below:

Examination Correspondence

Examination Correspondence for Braughing
Examination CorrespondenceDate
Examination Note 1 [71KB]7th February 2018
Questions of Clarification from the Examiner [51KB]19th March 2018
Responses to questions of clarification from the Examiner to the Parish Council and East Herts Council [823KB]26th April 2018

6 Week Public Consultation (Reg.16)

Braughing Parish Council submitted their Neighbourhood Plan to East Herts District Council on 7th September 2017. East Herts Council undertook a 6 week public consultation between the 5th October 2017 and 16th November 2017.

The consultation documents can be viewed below:

Pre-Submission Consultation (Reg 14)

Braughing Parish Council consulted on their Draft Neighbourhood Plan between 25th January and 10th March 2017. The Parish Council are now in the process of collating the responses received and amending their Plan as result of any issues raised through the consultation. The Plan will then be submitted to East Herts Council.

The Regulation 14 Consultation Draft Version can be viewed below: 

Neighbourhood Area Designation

The Braughing Parish was declared a Neighbourhood Area on the 8th June 2015. The designation request and map defining the area can be viewed below: