Change your Rateable Value

Rateable values are set by the valuation officers of the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). In certain circumstances the VOA can alter your rate. If you're not able to agree on a change you can appeal the decision.

The VOA are responsible for creating and maintaining the list, which is available to view on the Valuation Office Agency website. You can also find your rateable value on the front of your business rates demand notice.

Your rateable value for period commencing 1stApril 2023 is based on the open market rental value of the property as at April 2021. The valuation officer may alter your rateable value if there has been a change of circumstance. If you believe the rateable value of your property to be incorrect, you will need to contact the Valuation Office Agency. The VOA will amend your rateable value if they agree it is wrong.

Please note that throughout this process, you have to continue paying your business rates liability as charged.

Information on Appeals

If you have contacted the VOA but have not been able to agree a change, you can make an appeal, free of charge to the Valuation Tribunal.

More information about the process can be found on the Valuation Tribunal website.

East Herts Council can only backdate any business rates rebate to the date from which the change appears in the valuation list.

For more information please visit - Business Rates Appeals.

Contact us

Tel: 01279 655261 Ext 7223

Enquire via our online form

Write to:

Business Rates Section
East Herts Council
Pegs Lane
SG13 8EQ