General support for business

Investment advice and support if you are a new or already existing business within East Herts.

Inward Investment Support

East Herts is seeking to attract new investment and business from within the UK and overseas, but at the same time seeks to retain existing businesses. If you would like assistance in relocating to East Herts or would like to stay in the district but need assistance, please contact Andrew Figgis, Economic Development Officer on 01992 531598

Where to find a suitable property

East Herts has a wide range of commercial property, of sizes and standards to suit most requirements and budgets. There are a number of databases of available properties which are free to search.

Support programmes

East Herts co-funds a number of business support programmes with the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) which operate across the County, access to which is free for any resident or business. These include:

The Hertfordshire Growth Hub, which offers support to existing businesses looking to reduce costs, increase productivity or be more sustainable. See the Hertfordshire Growth Hub ( website for more details.

The Get Enterprising programme, which supports people who want to set up their own business or have recently set up. See Get Enterprising | Hertfordshire LEP for more details. 

Visit Herts, which supports the visitor and tourism economy in the county. Visit Herts help businesses operating in this sector with marketing and destination management services. See the Things To Do & Places To Stay In Herts - Visit Herts website for more details.

The Hertfordshire Film Office, which supports the film and creative industries in the county. 

The LEP also offer a range of business and skills support more generally, details of which can be found here: Hertfordshire LEP | Hertfordshire LEP