Activities in your local area
April 2025
Spring 2025 update
We will soon be launching a new series of Healthy Hub East Herts and Health Bus initiatives, which will be coming to a town or village near you. This will expand the outreach and engagement of the Healthy Hub East Herts offer, meaning communities, groups and individuals can access healthy lifestyle services and advice in a more varied and personalised way. Look out for details of how these services with be developed in the coming weeks, working alongside our delivery provider and our Healthy Hub East Herts partners.
In the meantime please do send us a message if you would like support from the Healthy Hub East Herts.
Healthy Hub East Herts - Community Art Groups
Every Tuesday
Expression Through Art 13:00pm - 15:00pm at the Skills and Learning Centre in Hertford, SG14 1AL
Our Healthy Hub East Herts runs free art groups that offer the chance to have a healthy outlet and an alternative way to communicate and express your feelings. No knowledge or skills needed.
Cost is free. Turn up on the day or for more information contact or call Simon on 07921 403873
Mondays 31 March, 7, 14, 21 and 28 April
Parkinson’s Power exercise class between 15:00-15:45 at Hertford Methodist Church
A 45-minute exercise class designed to address Parkinson’s symptoms including coordination and balance and improve your cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength. For more information see bouncebackexercise or visit Beth on facebook
The Secret Space provides a welcoming space for Yoga and Meditation, Pilates, Holistic Therapies including course for women's wellbeing, yoga and respiratory health and trauma sensitive yoga.
Please see the Secret Space calendar for a whole range of course offers including the featured course descriptions.
Range of courses run by Community Alliance Broxbourne and East Herts.
These include:
Budgeting on a budget to book and find out dates for Hertford email
Digital Skills courses - learn skills to help master your pc, phone or tablet, available in Hertford, Ware, Sawbridgeworth, Buntingford and Bishop's Stortford - booking is essential call 0300 123 1034 to secure your place
Community Builder - call 0300 123 1034 or email for more information if you would like help to set up a community group or organisation in your area
Or use the Community Alliance Broxbourne and East Herts events calendar to select days that you are available and what is on in different areas
Kissing it Better Calendar for over 55s
For a fantastic monthly visual calendar of social, physical activities and hobbies which are available to people aged 55 and over in Bishop's Stortford and surrounding areas, please click the below link.
Moving More Activity Finder
If you are interested in discovering local physical activity sessions across Hertfordshire and beyond then see the Moving More Activity Finder and filter your search by preference. There is also a web-based app to download for a mobile-friendly experience.
Hertford Wellbeing Hub
Running regular sessions that range from Pilates and exercise to Reiki sessions and parent and toddler groups, the Hertford Wellbeing Hub runs activities for all ages and abilities.
For more information contact Active in the Community on 07932 744630 and see the Activity Finder below.
Monday to Friday every day.
Local Social coffee mornings and activities.
Local Social is a community network that brings people together to support each other to make social connections in the town of Ware. They organise events like coffee mornings to bring people together for friendship and activities.
Cost is free. For more information of venues and time contact Andy Cooke at or call on 07399 193156
The Hadham's Community Hub
A fantastic array of local activities for those living in the Hadham's and Bishop's Stortford area. The Little Hadham Village Hall hosts a Warm Welcome Cafe, Mum's Matter Group, a monthly Bereavement Cafe, Gardening Club, Bowls Club and so much more.
Herts Musical Memories - Singing Groups for people living with dementia
Herts Musical Memories delivers vibrant therapeutic singing sessions for those living with dementia and their carers.
Sele Community Centre, Hertford, SG14 1HZ from 14:00pm - 15:30pm
Havers Community Centre, Bishop's Stortford, CM23 3GR from 11:30am - 13:00pm
To book a free trial session call 0208 9505757
Future Living - Women only Boxing Group
Join this friendly and encouraging group where you can let off some and build your confidence.
The group is led by a highly Certified Personal Trainer, Kettlebell Master, Boxing & UK Athletics Coach.
Every Friday 6pm - 7pm at Vale House, 43 Cowbridge, Hertford, SG14 1PN
Cost is free. For more information and to book beforehand, please email
Wednesday (Term time only)
Sugar Foot Boxing Academy Sessions by Future Living 17:00pm - 18:00pm
A therapeutic boxing club for young people aged 11-17. Sessions run during term time only.
Cost is free. Click for more information and sign up
Hertfordshire Health Walks host a variety of free walks that are led by trained volunteers.
Click for more information on local walks and sign up
Join the new taster walk in Ware on Fridays at 10am. Meet outside the Southern Maltings Art Centre, Kibes Lane, Ware, SG12 7BS before a free drink after courtesy of Local Social.
Join the recently established walk in Sele on Thursdays at 10am to enjoy a safe and sociable 1 mile walk. Meet outside the Network Homes' Building Carlton Court, Windsor Drive, Hertford, SG14 2EG
Every Friday
Knitting and Crochet 10:00am - 12:00pm at the Nigel Copping Community Building in Hertford, SG12 8GA
If you would like a warm drink and a chat, and to stay for some lunch, come and join the Community Alliance Knitting and Crochet group. Everyone is welcome regardless of ability.
Cost is free. For more information and booking contact or call on 0300 123 1034
Wednesdays 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 April
Strength & Balance Classes 10:00am - 13:30pm - 14:30pm at the Hornsmill Community Centre, Cecil Road, Hertford, SG13 8HS
Designed for individual's wanting to improve their strength and balance while learning new exercises to maintain independence. Come and meet others in your community.
Suitable for those who haven't exercised before or are experiencing a decline in their physical ability.
Cost is free. For more information or to book on, please call Suzina on 07930 302102
Thursdays (See Kissing It Better Calendar)
Companionship Cafes
In partnership with Home Instead Charities, Companionship Cafes are running in Bishop’s Stortford every Friday.
The Bishop’s Stortford Methodist Church are inviting unpaid carers to join the group every Thursday from 13:30pm-15:30pm.
The New Apton centre is inviting older adults looking for friendship, connections and creativity to join its Companionship Cafes every Friday 10.30am-12.00pm.
Walking Football
Every Friday 14:00pm - 14:45pm
Walking Football sessions are running at Grange Paddocks Leisure Centre in Bishop's Stortford. Come and join the fun on the 3G football pitches where sessions are open to all genders for all ages.
Cost is £3.70. For more information contact
Stort Pride
The Bishop's Stortford LGBTQIA+ Social group is open to anyone from the LGBTQIA+ community and has events in Stortford town for all those from the area and surrounding towns. A variety of regular get togethers are organised for all interests from pub nights, support groups, game nights, quiz nights and meals out.
Click for more information and sign up.
Wednesday 2 April and weekly thereafter 9:30am - 10:15am
Fella’s Fitness at Bishop's Stortford Swifts Football Club is our men’s only programme for local chaps aged 55 and over to come together, get a bit fitter and meet new people in an informal, friendly environment. Jacqui will lead you through exercises specifically designed for the older gent such as cardiovascular health (heart and lung function), core stability (abdominal muscles ) and build strength.
Cost £6 per session. For more information
For booking contact Jacqui Smith
Wednesday 2 (in person) and Friday 4 (in person) April and weekly thereafter at 9:30am
Fella's Fitness in Hertford at The Pioneer Hall. Drop in to Hertford, where we run regular fitness classes throughout the year. Our Fellas Fitness class is welcoming, invigorating and you’ll have a few laughs as we workout! The session is geared to the more distinguished gent (over 50), but it’s not essential! We’ll welcome any fella, who’s keen to build or retain their fitness.
Wednesday 2 April and weekly thereafter.
Ladies Keep Fit in Hertford at The Pioneer Hall 11am. Drop in to Hertford, Our Ladies Cardio & Core Class is designed to give you an all over body workout to improve cardio output, followed by some mat work to increase strength and flexibility.
Cost £6 per session. For more information and booking contact Irene Gibson.
Thursday 3 April and weekly thereafter 9:15am
Buntingford Dance Fit Exercise Class at Seth Ward Centre. Anyone can dance come along join in and improve your fitness and have fun.
Cost £6 per session. For more information and venues
For booking contact Jacqui Smith
Tuesday 1 April and weekly thereafter 10:30am
Bishop's Stortford Dance Fit Exercise Class at Swifts Football Clubhouse, Silvery Leys, Bishop's Stortford anyone can dance come along join in and improve your fitness and have fun.
Cost £6 per session. For more information and venues
For booking contact Jacqui Smith
Services for Young People
For details of fantastic young people's activities and projects taking place across different East Herts Town venues please click the link below.
East Herts Young people activities
Cancel Out Cancer
Cancer Out Cancer (CoC) is public campaign developed with patient members and supported by MacMillan Cancer Support. The CoC initiative first originated in East and North Hertfordshire in 2019, and strives to expand this message to wider communities across the UK.
The volunteer-led CoC campaign aims to not only improve people's understanding of cancer, but also encourage everyone to take action to promote their health. This can then be taken one step further by our participants spreading the message with their friends, family, colleagues and neighbours
Cancel Out Cancer offer a variety of online information sessions, champion training, online support groups and much more.