Attending a Council Meeting

East Herts Council welcomes public attendance at its meetings and will provide a reasonable number of agendas for viewing at the meeting. Most public meetings are held in the Council Chamber at the Hertford Offices.

To find our office, please see our finding our offices page

To see a list of Council meetings, please see our Council Meeting dates page

If you have attended a scrutiny panel and would like to provide feedback, please share feedback via our Contact us page

Asking a question

At Full Council Meetings, time is given over for public question time. Any member of the public may ask a question of an Executive Member, as long as it relates to the work of the District Council. Public questions must be submitted in advance of the meeting.

To ask a question, or submit a written question, you must email by noon, three working days before the day of the meeting.

Your email should also give your name and address and should name the Member the question is directed at. You can view the livestream of the meeting on the East Herts District YouTube channel.

For further assistance, please contact Democratic Services on 01279 655261 or email