Notices of Application and Objecting to Licence Applications
The Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 requires the Licensing Authority to advertise all new, variation and review applications (for both premises licences & club premises certificates) on a website.
The information that must be contained is:
- The name of the applicant
- Address of the premises (or description sufficient to identify the location)
- The postal address, website address of the Licensing Authority
- Briefly describe the proposed variation (if a variation)
- When and where applications can be inspected
- The closing date for representations and that representations must be made in writing
- That it is an offence to knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for the offence
Current Applications
Name of applicant | Address of premises | Closing date for comments |
Night Street Vault Limited | Knight Street, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 9AT | 23 March 2025 |
EEM Holdings Limited - Papa Johns | Baldock Street, Ware, SG12 9DH | 18 March 2025 |
Comment/Support/Object to a Licensing Application
If you wish to formally comment, support or comment to an application, then the easiest way would be to use the online submission.
Alternatively, you can make an objection in writing and this needs to be received before the relevant consultation period ends. You must include your name and address and detailed reasons for your objection. Please ensure you make objections to the correct Authority. If you need further details please see our document
Objections may only be made on the grounds that the application would undermine one or more of the Licensing Objectives:
- crime and disorder
- public safety
- public nuisance
- protecting children from harm
Objections on any other grounds, or which are frivolous or vexatious, will be rejected.
Objections are shared with applicants. Names and addresses may be disclosed unless you specifically ask us to withhold your details. Objections against applications may result in the matter going to a public hearing. You can attend the hearing and put forward your objection in person, or be represented.
Guidance for Interested Parties
Reviews of Premises Licences
If you wish to object to a licence that has already been granted then there is a process by which a Review can be called of a Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate.
Any resident, business or responsible authority can apply for a review of a Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate if they believe that its current operation is undermining one or more of the licensing objectives. To apply for a review please complete our form:
Once an application for review has been made other parties can also submit representations in support of the review.
Current Reviews