Call for Sites

The Council has agreed that the District Plan 2018 needs updating. The Call for Sites will inform this update and is an opportunity for landowners, developers, agents, and site promoters to tell the Council about sites which they feel have the potential for development.

It should be noted that the Call for Sites is a process to assess locations that could potentially be brought forward for development in the future – submission of a site does not in any way confirm that it will be selected.

The Call for Sites will be launched from July 2024 due to the announcement of the General Election.

If you have any queries about the Call for Sites, please contact the Planning Policy Team by phone on 01279 655261, or by email: 

Call for Sites Updates

If you are interested in submitting information regarding a potential site – you can sign-up to the form below and we will contact you directly to request information once the Call for Sites is open for submissions.

Red asterisk denotes a required answer.


The council needs to collect personal information from you, this includes your name and contact details. We do this to allow you to engage in the District Plan update process and to keep you informed about future planning policy consultations. We process this information using your consent; you can revoke this at any time by emailing 

We get all of your information directly from you. Your information will be retained in line with our Retention Schedule. For more information on your data subject rights, including how to contact us about them or anything else, please see our Corporate Privacy Notice (this link opens in a new window).