This consultation is now closed.
The outcome of the Call for Sites is being reported to the Council’s Executive on the 11 February 2025. The report provides a summary of the sites that have been submitted and sets out the next steps in relation to the assessment of those sites. The report is available to view here

For further information about the Call for Sites and assessment process, please refer to the FAQs.

Call for Sites

East Herts Council is currently updating the District Plan. This ‘Call for Sites’ is an opportunity for landowners, developers, agents, and site promoters to submit sites which are considered to have the potential for future development. We also welcome the submission of other sites that could contribute to nature enhancement and recovery in East Herts.

It should be noted that the Call for Sites is a process to assess locations that could potentially be brought forward for development in the future – submission of a site does not in any way confirm that it will be selected.

This consultation runs from Friday 5 July to Monday 30 September 2024. Please note the consultation is now closed. 

The new District Plan will need to identify enough land to meet future requirements. This includes sites for:

  • Housing and employment
  • Community facilities
  • Habitat creation and enhancement
  • Infrastructure

Submitting a Site for Consideration

  • Please complete a separate online form for each site.
  • You must provide the precise boundaries of the site, either by drawing or uploading within the online form.
  • You must give your name and contact details for your site to be considered.
  • Only submit sites that are wholly or partially within the district boundary.
  • Only submit sites that you have an interest in and that you believe have genuine potential to be developed over the next 15 to 20 years.
  • Submitted sites must have an area of at least 0.25 hectares or be capable of accommodating 5+ dwellings or 500+ sqm of employment floorspace.
  • All sites may be included in future public consultation exercises necessary for the new District Plan and so cannot be kept confidential.
  • In completing this form, you are giving permission for a representative of the Council to access the site with or without prior notice in order to determine its sustainability.
  • Please note that the Call for Sites request is part of the plan making process and is entirely separate from the planning application process.
  • For more information on how to complete the form, please refer to the FAQs

Call for Sites Online Form

- Please complete the form in one session. You will be unable to save the form and return to it at a later date. 
- For further guidance on completing the online form please read our instruction guide
- To view the questions in advance of completing the form, please see the list of questions in the online form.

Please note that all submissions must be made using the link above. If you have any issues with the Call for Sites form, please contact the Planning Policy team by email

What Happens Next?

A detailed assessment of all the sites and proposed uses will be made in due course, to determine whether they are suitable, available, and achievable. This will be an ongoing process as the Council progresses the new District Plan. All submissions will be made publicly available on our website. Sites put forward are suggestions and are not allocated and may not be supported in planning applications.