The East Herts Community Grants application form for 2024/25 is now closed. Thank you for taking the time to develop and submit your project proposals. 

The applications will shortly be assessed and scored. Your organisation will be notified in due course whether it has been successful or not. Following approval of the East Herts Community grant awards selected for support in 2024/25, payment will follow to allow commencement of the project. Please be reminded that completion of the evaluation form available on the website pages will be required as part of the funding conditions for the project, once delivery has been completed. We look forward to seeing the successful projects bring community health and wellbeing benefit to all those who take part

East Herts Grants Guidelines and Application 2024/25

East Herts grants are issued to voluntary and community groups, not-for-profit organisations, faith groups, and town and parish councils for activities that build stronger, more connected, self-reliant communities, leading to improved health and wellbeing outcomes for residents in East Herts.

Grant giving supports the council’s wider corporate priority of enabling communities as well as the health and wellbeing outcomes described in the Thriving Together health and wellbeing community plan 2023 - 2027

Applicants have a choice of one grant funding stream for 2024/25. This is:

  • Community Grants

Starting your application

Before completing the application, please read the East Herts community grant priorities guidance to identify what your application needs to include.

Before you start: 

1.    Please use Microsoft Edge as your internet browser as the application form and its functions work best using this set up
2.    You may also want to set up an account so you can go back to your saved application and complete it in stages. Please see Q and A document and Answer 2
3.    Once you have submitted your application online you will receive a confirmation email message that it has been received.

East Herts Lottery

The East Herts Lottery is a great way to help your organisation raise funds. Please read more about how it works and signing up your organisation as a good cause.

All applicants must complete all sections of the form.

Note: Any incomplete forms will affect the scoring of the application.

  • Community Grants - Grant funding available is £300-£3,000

It is important that your application is linked to the priorities, set out in the East Herts community grant priorities guidance.

Additional information

Please read our Q&A for further information relating to the grants. 

Community Grant additional forms

All applicants must find your local councillor to confirm they will support your project proposal.

For organisations with a legal status (charities, community organisations, not-for-profit organisations, parish councils, faith groups) a written endorsement form must be completed by your local East Herts councillor supporting your project. The onus is on the applicant to ensure this is completed and submitted with the application form.

Alternatively, if you are an individual or informal group (with no legal status), the East Herts councillor in your area or ward will need to complete a Mentor Statement form. The councillor agrees to actively support the group and help oversee the planned outcomes.

The onus is on the applicant to ensure this is completed and submitted with the application form.


Hints and Tips for community grants


Please tell us about your organisation and project idea by completing the online form. A well-evidenced application will allow us to make an informed decision and provide an understanding of what you'd like to achieve.

Your application should include:

  • Why you want to undertake the activity/project
  • What and who it will involve
  • How it will benefit East Herts residents
  • Show how the project aligns to East Herts community grant priorities guidance  
  • Explain how you know there is a need for your project
  • Please detail in your application how the local community or anticipated beneficiaries have been involved in planning this project
  • A breakdown of all the costs and what you want the grant to pay for
  • How you plan to raise the balance of the funds required if you need more than we can award (grant value £300 - £3000)
  • Your experience in organising activities or projects in the community
  • On completion of your project you will need to fill out an outputs and outcomes form to meet the funding requirements

  • Applications will be checked for completion and eligibility
  • Applications will be scored using the steps outlined in the assessment process
  • Successful applicants will be notified within eight weeks of the grants closure date at midnight on Sunday 5th January 2025
  • Grant payments will be made before 31 March 2025