The East Herts Community Grants application form for 2024/25 is now closed. Thank you for taking the time to develop and submit your project proposals.
The applications will shortly be assessed and scored. Your organisation will be notified in due course whether it has been successful or not. Following approval of the East Herts Community grant awards selected for support in 2024/25, payment will follow to allow commencement of the project. Please be reminded that completion of the evaluation form available on the website pages will be required as part of the funding conditions for the project, once delivery has been completed. We look forward to seeing the successful projects bring community health and wellbeing benefit to all those who take part
East Herts Grants Guidelines and Application 2024/25
Grant giving supports the council’s wider corporate priority of enabling communities as well as the health and wellbeing outcomes described in the Thriving Together health and wellbeing community plan 2023 - 2027
Applicants have a choice of one grant funding stream for 2024/25. This is:
- Community Grants