Social Prescribing

The East Herts Social Prescribing Service (EHSPS) is part of the Healthy Hub East Herts offer which offers support for your health, social and wellbeing needs.

The aim of the social prescribing service will remain the same working with a range of trusted partners to provide a variety of useful support for people with social, emotional or practical needs that can be helped by non-clinical services.

The Healthy Hub East Herts team will make contact with referred residents to discuss and jointly agree a range of options and resulting actions that may help. This could include signposting referrals to appropriate local community groups who can offer a wide range of socially engaging activities. Where possible, help with transport to or from a venue may be arranged. 

The Healthy Hub East Herts works with a wide range of health professionals and voluntary sector organisations to understand your needs and what can be done to support you going forward. 


Please contact the Healthy Hubs team at the Council by emailing or looking at the Healthy Hub East Herts web pages. Whether you are younger or older, we understand that all ages can experience a range of health, social and wellbeing needs that can range from experiencing depression, loneliness, isolation and lifestyle needs through to learning how to cope with anxiety or stress or just having some time to relax and reflect after a busy week. Please do contact us and we will be here to understand, listen and help you in a friendly and supportive way.