
This page has basic information on hoarding and where to find help, as well as information for professionals.

Hoarding is having so many things/possessions that you cannot manage the clutter where you live and find it difficult or impossible to throw things away. Signs of hoarding can include:

  • Difficulty discarding possessions regardless of actual value
  • Difficulty organising and deciding what to keep or throw away
  • Having strong negative feelings at the thought of throwing or giving things away

Effects of hoarding

  • Fire risks - both the added risk of fire as well as being unable to quickly leave in an emergency
  • Increased risk of trips and falls
  • Difficulty cleaning meaning spaces become unhygienic and can encourage pest infections
  • Unable to use rooms in their home as intended

Help for hoarders

If you think that you or someone you know may have hoarding difficulties, further information and help can be found through the following:

For professionals

Hoarding disorder has been recognised with its own diagnostic criteria since 2013 in the DSM-5 and since 2018 in the ICD-11. The below resources can be used to get helpful information from someone you may be concerned about and how to refer them to East Herts Environmental Health.