Displaying results 11 - 20 of 231
Councillors and Josh Dean MP standing outside BEAM
BEAM, Hertford’s new multi-purpose arts venue, has officially opened following a ribbon cutting ceremony featuring Josh Dean, the newly-elected MP for Hertford and Stortford, and the theatre’s Cinderella Youth Ensemble, who together marked the start of a new cultural era in East Hertfordshire
Development Management Forum in session
East Herts Council has scheduled monthly meetings of the Development Management Forum (DMF), giving residents the opportunity to present their views (on complex or sensitive major planning applications for the development of 50 or more homes) to councillors, planning officers and the applicant early in the planning application process.
Bees on flower
East Herts Council has declared an Ecological and Biodiversity Crisis in order to highlight the biodiversity loss which has occurred over recent decades in East Herts and to re-affirm its commitment to protecting our natural environment.