Community Forum FAQ's

Following the first Forums, we will share draft Agendas online in advance. The community will have an opportunity to input into these via the Community Forums and/or by contacting us at

We will also share Notes of Forums on the council’s website, highlighting the topics covered, and any actions or commitments made via a comments tracker.

What are the Forums for?

Last November, as part of East Herts commitment to being a Listening Council, the Council agreed to establish  Community Forums to bring together residents, planners, local councillors, developers and other interested parties to discuss and share information about development proposals.

These will be a chance for existing and new residents, and interested community groups to meet to discuss emerging development proposals with East Herts Council Members, Officers and Developers and each other.  It is also an opportunity for Community to share any topics, concerns and community projects which they’d like to make us and developers aware of. 

When are the Community Forums?

Gilston Area Community Forum 
The Gilston Area Community Forum is already set up.  Please see the Gilston Area Community Forum page for current Forum dates and locations.

Stortford Fields Community Forum (Part of Bishop’s Stortford North) 
A number of public meetings with residents at Stortford Fields were held in 2023 and dates for the Community Forums meetings in 2024 will be confirmed in due course. We are working on a forward plan to identify suitable dates and venues, and will share updates online as soon as these are known. 

How can I join?

In the future you will be able to register your interest in being included in the Community Forums, and to be notified automatically when updates are available.
In the interim, please see our upcoming Forums  and do come along to introduce yourself. You can also subscribe to the East Herts newsletter on this page, or check our East Herts News pages,  where we will be sharing key updates. 

I do not live in the area being discussed - can I still join?

Yes. While we expect that most participants will join from their local areas, all East Herts residents and neighbours are welcome at any of the Forums. 

I can't attend in person. How can I participate?

Following the first Forums, we will share draft Agendas online in advance, so that registered members and the wider community will have an opportunity to input into these.  

We will also share Notes of Forums on the council’s website, highlighting the topics covered, and any actions or commitments made. 

We know that the locations, times and format may not work for everyone, and so are looking at ways that we can make the Forums more accessible. If you or someone you know are interested to learn more and would like to participate another way, please let us know your preferences by contacting us by email at with “engagement preference” in the subject line, and we will do our best to accommodate, where we are able.