Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs)
Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) are resourcing and project management agreements which are used on larger and more complex schemes to enable the LPA to adequately resource these types of proposals and set out an agreed programme for the agreement.
What types of scheme is this appropriate for?
Schemes which follow the PPA route as opposed to the pre-application system are almost always major developments where the applicant wants to have an on-going dialogue with the Council. These could be residential, non-residential or mixed use schemes.
Some non-major applications may be appropriate for this service if there are specific requirements or sensitivities which make them appropriate.
PPAs can cover a wide range of the scheme design process from initial site assessment and masterplanning to discharge of conditions. We will normally seek to make an agreement across multiple phases where there is sufficient certainty on the programme and resource needs as we consider this is likely to provide the best and most joined-up service.
What fees are chargeable and what advice is provided?
Fees are chargeable on a bespoke basis depending on the scheme, the issues likely to be raised and the timesacles involved. We base the fee around a “consolidated hourly rate” which is one consolidated hourly rate for all of the Planning officers which will input to the Agreement.
This approach avoids needing to negotiate on the amount of time for a broad range of officers and should expedite the process of agreeing the fee.
The advice provided as part of a PPA should cover all elements of the Planning Service, including input from senior officers where required and internal teams within the Planning Service.
Where advice is required from other services within the Council we will aim to build this in to the programme and agreement, subject to the resourcing of those services.
Being a District Council, the Local Highway Authority and Lead Local Flood Authority is Hertfordshire County Council (HCC). HCC also provide East Herts with advice on some infrastructure provision, ecology, archaeology and Biodiversity Net Gain. They also operate a Design Review Panel. We will only enter into a PPA with a developer who is also using the relevant processes to secure advice from HCC on these matters and will look to integrate meetings with HCC into the overall PPA programme.
Public Engagement and the East Herts Master Planning approach
We have published guidance on our approach to masterplanning and PPAs are normally the vehicle for delivering this. “The Masterplanning Approach” guidance on the above link should be read before entering into this service.
As set out in “The Masterplanning Approach” we expect schemes of this scale to embed ongoing public engagement with local stakeholders into the development of these schemes.
Using the PPA service
Please email if you would like to enquire about the PPA service. Please provide details of your proposed scheme, site address, a location plan and what you would like the PPA to cover as well as an indication of your timescales. We will normally need a PPA scoping meeting at which we would expect you to outline your thoughts on a scheme or the potential of a site and discuss prorgamme and resources. If the PPA is taken forward and signed this meeting has no fee, but where no PPA is entered into, a fee of £1000+VAT is payable.