Watton-at-Stone Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

Watton-at-Stone Neighbourhood Plan front cover
Local communities in Watton-at-Stone can have their say on a draft neighbourhood plan when it opens for consultation this week.

Developed by the Parish Council together with a steering group of local residents, the plan allocates two strategic sites, both for 60 homes, at Walkern Road and Stevenage Road to meet local housing needs.

It also includes a code for the design of developments; considers sustainable transport provision, including new footpaths and cycleways; protects recreational open space, designates local green spaces, identifies important views; and seeks to enhance community facilities.

A neighbourhood plan puts in place planning policy for a local area to guide future development and is adopted by the local authority as part of the statutory development plan.

Before the planning authority, which is East Herts Council, can adopt the plan, it needs to firstly hear the views of the public. Following consultation, the plan is then assessed by an independent examiner and, if successful, residents will vote on the plan at a referendum.

The consultation runs for a period of six weeks starting on 8 November, until 5pm on 20 December.

The Neighbourhood Plan, supporting documents and an online comment form can be found at: www.eastherts.gov.uk/wattonatstonenp

Hard copies of the documents can be viewed at East Herts Council or through Watton-at-Stone Parish Council: www.watton-pc.org.uk/neighbourhood-plan-contacts/

Comments can also be sent to planningpolicy@eastherts.gov.uk or by letter to:

Policy and Implementation Team

East Herts Council


Pegs Lane

Hertford SG13 8EQ