Development Management Forum offers residents a greater voice on local planning processes

Development Management Forum in session
East Herts Council has scheduled monthly meetings of the Development Management Forum (DMF), giving residents the opportunity to present their views (on complex or sensitive major planning applications for the development of 50 or more homes) to councillors, planning officers and the applicant early in the planning application process.

The aim of the forum is to allow full and constructive discussion of the planning issues raised by petitioners, to explore issues, allow discussion of potential solutions, build consensus and resolve concerns. Inspired by East Herts’ objective to be a ‘listening council’, the Development Management Forum gives the public a greater say in the planning process, at an earlier stage. 

This timely, informal forum facilitates residents ‘having their say’ about a development, whilst affording the developer the opportunity to incorporate changes into the scheme that satisfy and service the local community, potentially achieving improved designs. Notes from the DMF will be a consideration in assessing the planning application and will be incorporated into the report if the application is presented to the Development Management Committee. 

Cllr Vicky Glover-Ward, Executive Member for Planning and Growth, said “The Development Management Forum provides the opportunity for informal discussion rather than residents having only a few minutes to present their view at the end of the planning application process.  This is an initiative to facilitate greater resident participation in the local planning processes, and enables residents to have a greater impact on planning for their local community.

“Affording residents better opportunities to contribute to the delivery of developments allows the voice of the community to be directly expressed, thereby ensuring the enhancement of our district while maintaining local character. The council, and our planning team, are enthusiastic about planning the district with input from all stakeholders and are dedicated to serving East Herts and its residents.” 

Lead petitioner representing local residents, Cllr Sue Nicholls, said, “I am delighted as a member of this listening council, and also as a resident of East Herts, to be able to actively participate in the local planning process.”

“We are concerned at the sheer level of speculative planning applications coming forward in Buntingford, and feel that protecting our beautiful district's character and identity is very important. This forum provides us all with a better opportunity to engage with what's being planned for our communities and for local residents and stakeholders to have a better say at an earlier stage during the planning process.”

For dates and times of these meetings, please contact the committee section at