East Herts Council supports Ward Freman Community Pool Group's bid for funding

ward freman swimming pool
East Herts Council has announced its full support for the Ward Freman Community Pool Group CIO (WFCPG) in its bid for a £1 million grant from the Government's Community Ownership Fund (COF). The council has agreed, in principle, to provide up to £200,000 in match funding should the bid be successful and will issue a letter of support to bolster the WFCPG's application.

The approval of the match funding will be contingent upon the success of the WFPCG’s bid to the COF, which will be decided separately. The COF funding is currently closed and the group will apply when it reopens. If the application succeeds, the COF funding, together with the council’s £200,000 contribution, will be used to repair and refurbish Ward Freman pool, which serves both local schools and the public.  The refurbishment includes significant work on the boiler and filtration system as well as an upgrade to the changing facilities.

Ward Freman pool closed on Saturday, 23 December 2023 due to the significant investment required for the pool to meet essential standards. Since then, East Herts Council has been working with the community to explore financially viable options for bringing the centre up to standard and re-opening it. 

East Herts Councillor Sarah Hopewell, Executive Member for Wellbeing: "I'm absolutely delighted that the council is able to support the Ward Freman Community Pool Group CIO in their grant application.  Since the pool's closure, I've been deeply moved by the enthusiasm and commitment from the community in and around Buntingford in finding a way forward. The community pool group quickly formed and became a registered charity in March 2024, and the trustees and wider volunteers have been really fantastic in their energy and determination.  I'm keeping everything crossed that the Community Ownership Fund reopens soon and that the group has a successful bid to bring this much-loved facility back to use."