The meetings will also give residents the opportunity to share information on community projects and to highlight other issues of concern to their local communities.
The first Gilston Area Community Forum will take place from 6.30pm to 8.30pm on Tuesday, 27 February at Gilston and Eastwick village hall. Further meetings will then be held approximately every two months. Plans for alternative Community Forums for other strategic developments within the district, such as Stortford Fields, Hert3 and Ware2, are also in the process of being arranged.
Councillor Vicky Glover-Ward, East Herts Executive Member for Planning and Growth, said: “We know that planning is a major area of interest and concern for the residents of East Herts. That is why improving how we communicate and share information around development is a key priority for our joint administration.
“We want people and communities to actively engage in shaping the places where they live, work and play. Effective community engagement is key to this.”
Residents interested in attending the meetings are welcome to come along on an ad hoc basis. Alternatively, they can register in advance via the council’s website in order to receive advance notification of topics to be covered and notes of action points agreed.
For more information on Community Forums and the dates already set, residents should visit East Herts Council’s dedicated web page:
Community Forums | East Herts District Council
Gilston Area Community Forums To Give Residents A Stronger Voice

Acting on its commitment to be a listening council, East Herts Council is setting up Community Forums which will bring together residents, planners, local councillors and developers to discuss and share information about housing developments planned for East Herts.