East Herts Council marks its 50th Anniversary by Planting Trees to Improve Air Quality

Councillor Tim Hoskins Stood By A Newly Planted Tree
Commemorating East Herts Council’s 50th anniversary, 50 trees have been planted in the district’s three Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) and areas of air pollution, with another 50 planted in locations experiencing traffic congestion and flood risk. All the trees will contribute to improving air quality and tackling the effects of climate change across the district.

The 100 trees have been planted in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council and were funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. This scheme now completes the programme of tree planting in all viable locations with poor air quality in East Hertfordshire.  

Trees help improve air quality in traffic-heavy zones by removing harmful pollutants such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide, while simultaneously providing us with clean oxygen. They also reduce flood risk by providing soak-away for rainwater and offer shade that cools down areas during heat waves. Importantly, trees play a vital role in storing carbon. This is crucial to the council’s plans to be a net zero carbon organisation.

Furthermore, these 100 trees will make a lasting and positive impact on their surroundings for years to come, contributing to the biodiversity, beauty and character of our towns.

East Herts Council was established in April 1974 and celebrated its 50th anniversary last year. However, since the tree planting season runs from November to March, the council has only recently completed the tree planting season to mark this milestone.

Cllr Tim Hoskin, Executive Member for Sustainability, said: "The council is committed to reducing carbon and air pollution and increasing natural diversity in our historic market towns – benefiting the health of our residents and preserving the unique beauty of East Herts. Every tree we plant is a step toward a cleaner, greener future."

“Together, we’ve planted over 11,000 trees this year in our parks and through community initiatives like the Big Tree Giveaway. We’re especially proud to add to that total in celebration of the council’s 50th anniversary, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations."