Hertfordshire’s councils and OPCC submit joint response to Government on local government reform

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All 11 councils in Hertfordshire and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) have agreed a joint interim response to the Government outlining a number of initial options for the reorganisation of local government structures in the county.

As part of its plans to reshape local government, on 5 February the Government invited councils in all two-tier areas to submit an interim plan by 21 March for moving to a single-tier of unitarity councils providing all services.

Hertfordshire’s councils and the OPCC’s shared priorities are ensuring any changes benefit residents and businesses, excellent local government services are maintained, residents are kept safe, and strong democratic accountability is available to communities across the county.

All 11 councils and the OPCC worked together to produce the interim submission which has been shared with elected members at each individual organisation and Hertfordshire’s MPs.

The submission sets out a number of options for further consideration, ranging from one to four unitary councils providing all services.

It also includes early thinking on how each option could support devolution, improve services, deliver value for money and maintain strong links to communities.

While a joint submission has been agreed, councils have differing views on the options set out and no decisions are being made at this stage.

Councils and the OPCC will continue to collaborate over the coming months to collate and analyse further evidence for each option.

The Government will provide feedback on the interim submission which will also inform the development of final proposals to be submitted to the Government by 28 November 2025 for a decision by Ministers.

The views of residents, businesses, local government partners, colleagues, and other stakeholders across the public and private sectors will be essential as proposals develop. All councils and the OPCC are committed to providing updates throughout the process.

Councillor Ben Crystall, Leader of East Herts Council, said: "I’m pleased that, as a county, we’ve worked together to produce a joint submission for government consideration.

“However, my stance remains unchanged – I believe a single authority would be too large to truly serve the people of our district and Hertfordshire as a whole. Our priority must be delivering quality local services and ensuring residents feel connected to the people and organisation that serve them. That’s why I welcome the inclusion of a range of options in the submission, allowing for a more balanced approach.

“Over the coming months, we will engage with our communities to understand their views, which will be integral to shaping the final submission in November." 

The interim proposal and more information about devolution and local government reorganisation can be found on our website.