Public Invited To Engage With Greenspace Action Plan For Castle Park in Bishop’s Stortford

Wildflowers at Castle Park, Bishop's Stortford
Park-goers in East Herts are being invited to offer their feedback on a draft Greenspace Action Plan (GAP) which aims to ensure the recently redeveloped Castle Park is sustainably managed, whilst committing to the continued protection and evolution of the park for future generations.

The GAP has been designed to contribute positively to the lives of Bishop’s Stortford residents, offering them a well-maintained space to engage in activity or recreation, learn about heritage, and participate in events. As such, the Castle Park GAP details proposals to best manage biodiversity, archaeology, recreation and community involvement and offers a commitment to retaining the space’s Green Flag award.

These proposals include actions to remove and treat invasive plant life, perform bankside re-coppicing, conduct tree safety inspections, support volunteer activity, encourage a range of events throughout the year, and to identify opportunities to further explore and interpret the park’s history.

The creation of the GAP follows the park’s multi-million-pound transformation, which introduced new footpaths and bridge links, upgraded tennis courts, a skate park extension, and improvements to the motte and wildflower meadows.  There was also a major refurbishment of Markwell Pavilion and the old public toilets which were transformed into a community café, Changing Spaces toilets and a hireable studio space.

Cllr Sarah Hopewell, Executive Member for Wellbeing, said, “This Greenspace Action Plan is a commitment to a cherished part of our local area, which will see Castle Park continue to thrive and serve the residents of Bishop’s Stortford for many years to come. I look forward to learning what people think of the plan, which will guide us as we continue to celebrate this beautiful and historically significant park right on our doorstep.”

Residents can have their say on the Castle Park Greenspace Action Plan by visiting the following link:

The deadline for feedback is Friday, 28 March.