Displaying results 41 - 50 of 231
Map of Gilston
Acting on its commitment to be a listening council, East Herts Council is setting up Community Forums which will bring together residents, planners, local councillors and developers to discuss and share information about housing developments planned for East Herts.
Guests of the council honour Holocaust Memorial Day in the East Herts Council Chamber
East Herts councillors welcomed Rabbi Irit Shillor and other guests to the East Herts Council chamber on Wednesday, 24 January to remember and honour the victims of genocide ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day on Saturday, 27 January. This is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp. 
Artists impression of new Hertford Theatre
East Herts Council is taking steps to ensure that the transformation of Hertford Theatre into a vibrant and exciting new arts hub for East Herts will be completed as planned, despite budgetary challenges.
Man Collecting Bins
Changes to the waste and street cleansing services operated jointly by East Herts and North Herts Councils were confirmed yesterday (Thursday 21 December) at a meeting of the East Herts Council’s Executive team. These will come into operation in May 2025.