Many people live busy lives juggling multiple responsibilities or face other challenges when it comes to keeping active or spending time with others. The council is keen to hear what wellbeing means to its residents, and what they want to see as part of a local action plan. The survey also seeks to understand what currently works for residents in terms of improving their wellbeing so that this can be shared more widely.
At the heart of the council’s new approach is a drive for community engagement, empowering local community groups and building local people’s resilience to cope with the health challenges of the future. The mission statement underlines the importance the council places on enhancing residents’ health and wellbeing and building healthier, happier communities through a varied mix of activity and support. It also emphasises the importance of collaboration with other health service providers, including the county council and Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Partnership, to create a joined up way of working.
The council now wants to hear from residents, community organisations and partners to make sure the priorities are right so that the council and local people can work together to shape the future of the district’s health and wellbeing.
Councillor Sarah Hopewell, Executive Member for Wellbeing at East Herts Council, said: "I’m really keen to ensure that the council’s wellbeing strategy is a reflection of what really matters to residents, which is why I’m eager to hear from as many residents and organisations as possible. This isn’t just our strategy, I want it to be yours.
“Of course, I understand that many organisations, and indeed the council itself, face significant financial challenges, but I also believe that we have fantastic creativity across East Herts, and that together, we can develop ways to both build on what we have, and develop new ideas. But most importantly, we need to hear from you.”
Residents, partners and community groups are all encouraged to provide feedback and share their thoughts online at
Alternatively, people can call 01992 531471 or visit drop-in events at libraries across the district, providing an opportunity for in-person discussions and feedback.
Consultation launches on district’s new approach to health and wellbeing

East Herts Council is launching ‘Thriving Together’, a draft plan for how it will work with residents and community groups to tackle critical issues such as isolation and loneliness, and help people feel better connected and able to enjoy activities that boost their health and wellbeing.