Displaying results 1 - 10 of 52
Counciller Alex Daar with artist Julie Arnall
Arts in East Herts, our exciting new arts showcase which is running through September and October across the district, kicked off last Sunday with an artists’ open studio in Bishop’s Stortford.
Dig at Castle Park, Bishop's Stortford
Two of the 70 graves unearthed last year during the redevelopment of Castle Park in Bishop’s Stortford, are now known to date back to the 10th century, firmly placing them in the Anglo-Saxon period. This means they predate Waytemore Castle by over 100 years.
Green Flag Award
East Herts Council has retained Green Flag status for Southern Country Park in Bishop’s Stortford and The Ridgeway in Hertford. In addition, the council is delighted to announce that Castle Park in Bishop’s Stortford has won the coveted award for the first time this year.
ward freman swimming pool
East Herts Council has announced its full support for the Ward Freman Community Pool Group CIO (WFCPG) in its bid for a £1 million grant from the Government's Community Ownership Fund (COF). The council has agreed, in principle, to provide up to £200,000 in match funding should the bid be successful and will issue a letter of support to bolster the WFCPG's application.
East Herts Council has announced additional funding for its Arts in East Herts initiative. Grants of £500 will enable arts and cultural organisations in the more rural parts of East Herts to showcase what they do.